Discover Elithair’s Scale for Hair Loss
With the knowledge gained from over 500,000 professional hair analyses, the research team at Elithair has developed the exclusive Elit Scale for your hair loss.
By categorising the 5 types of alopecia, the scale enables a detailed representation of all the stages of hair loss. It is used to determine the best treatment technique thanks to a precise qualification of the degree of your alopecia.
Start your free hair analysis today and learn more about your hair situation!
Free Hair AnalysisThey Have Recovered Their Lost Hair, Will You Be Next?

What Is the Elit Scale?
Thanks to the detailed Elit Skala scale, the type and stage of your alopecia can be precisely identified and categorised.
Divided into 5 types of hair loss, it allows you to precisely determine which type of alopecia you are suffering from. The degree of hair loss is also described in detail with this innovative scale.
No matter whether you have a receding hairline, hair loss on the top of the scalp, light hair, circular areas of hair loss or a combined variant of hair loss: with the Elit scale, you can determine exactly how far your hair loss has progressed with the death of the hair follicles.
Download the Elit Skala PDFWhy use the Elit Scale?
The Elit Skala Scale provides the perfect support to determine the best treatment for each patient and how they lose their hair.
Our hair loss scale is used to help the hair transplant surgeons choose whether the Sapphire method, DHI technique or combination SDHI treatment will bring you the greatest final result.
The scale has been developed exclusively by Elithair’s own research team and is used for every patient – including you!
Free Hair AnalysisHow will I Benefit from this Innovation?

Through the Elit Skala Hair Loss Scale, it is possible to determine the most suitable treatment for you. It will show you the fastest and most effective hair loss treatments to achieve radiant full hair and combat balding areas.
Your personal expert will not only tell you the optimal technique for your hair transplant, but also whether, depending on your hair situation, an alternative such a PRP treatment will give you naturally full hair. It can also help to advise you in the future on the hair remaining if the hair loss will progress further.
In addition, you can use the scale as a guide to determine what kind of patterned hair loss you may be suffering from. The treatment method that is perfectly suited to you will then be determined after a precise analysis by your personal expert.
Free Hair AnalysisElit Scale – The best Scale to identify Your Hair Loss
Thanks to this innovative scale, your hair loss can be precisely determined and detected. With it, the Elithair research team has succeeded in taking hair transplants to the next level.
Your personal expert will always use the revolutionary Elit Scale for your hair loss from your free hair analysis to determine the best treatment for your hair situation.
Contact your expert today to learn more about how you will achieve radiant full hair.
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What Makes the Elit Scale for your Hair Loss so special?
Compared to the outdated Hamilton-Norwood scale, the Elit Scale classification system distinguishes between 5 types of hair loss. This not only enables a more detailed categorization besides just the stages of male pattern baldness, but also a more precise analysis. Our scale covers a comprehensive range of hair loss types including on the top of the head and sides of the head. In this way, even better treatment methods can be shown and recommended.
What Information Can the Elit Scale Give Me?
The Elit Scale describes your hair loss in detail and determines its type and stage. This is especially useful for recommending an effective treatment.
Depending on the state of the hair loss, various techniques for hair transplantation or alternative treatments are possible. The Elit Scale also provides information about which one is the best in your case.
Can I Use the Elit Scale Myself?
The Elit Scale is also a good guide for you if you suffer from hair loss.
Your experts at Elithair are always at your disposal for a more precise analysis of your hair situation and an evaluation of the possible treatment options.
What Is the Best Way To Find Out What Options I Have To Recover Full, Radiant Hair?
In addition to using the Elit Scale as a guide, the free hair analysis at Elithair is your guarantee of finding out everything you need to know about your individual hair loss situation.
The Elithair experts use the innovative Elit Scale as a basis and can give you the best advice based on the experience of more than 500,000 professional hair analyses.